
Hello and welcome to Forbiddenknowledge.org. This website is dedicated to truth and freedom. It is a place of self-discovery and learning. You will begin your journey to a better understanding of the world within you and around you and become conscious of the underlying principles and dynamics that govern our lives, both individually and collectively.

The information that this website contains is the most deeply occulted (hidden) information on the planet. If enough people learn it and implement it into their daily lives, then true freedom can finally manifest on this planet and humanity can finally rid itself of the powers that should not be.

This knowledge is like that of building a pyramid. Each blog post, video presentation, podcast, and book builds upon the last. The information contained herein has been crafted in a specific order so that the foundational information that is necessary to understand later material will already be present.

It is therefore highly recommended that you go in order and at your own pace. By extension, jumping around and going out of order will make it so that pre-requisite knowledge that is required to understand the later material may be missing and the full understanding of what is being said could be lost on you.