Nothing New Under The Sun

There is a saying that there is nothing new under the sun. This website will present nothing new at all. How could it? Truth is singular and eternal and thus it has already been spoken and discovered before by others. It has always been here and will always be here.
It has always been here and will always be here.
It has always been here and will always be here.
It has always been here and will always be here.
It is our perception that must be aligned with it. This book will merely present the reader with eternal truths that are built into our reality.
This website will be deemed by most as extremely intense and by others even as combative. The fact of the matter is that Truth itself is extremely belligerent, because it wages war against all forms of deception and mind control.
In a time of such overwhelming ignorance and near universal deceit, I must share this critical information which can save humanity from its current condition to anyone who is willing to understand it out of a sense of moral obligation and compassion for the suffering of others.
Anyone who wishes to get practical value from this website is going to need to make a conscious and deliberate effort to do two things:
- Set aside as best as you can any and all perceptions about the presenter of this material. I am not what is important here. The information is.
- Be consciously aware of any impulse that you may have to reject presented based solely upon your initial emotional response to the information presented. It is a logical fallacy to gauge the veracity of any information based upon how you FEEL when first seeing or hearing it.
You cannot think with the emotions. So if you hear something that you dislike or that angers you, that is okay to feel the emotion but don’t just immediately come to the conclusion that cannot be true based upon your initial reaction. And don’t believe me outright either. This is about checking it and going through a process of truth discovery. It is about doing your own due diligence and researching and thinking about this material.
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Suspend to the best of your ability, dismissing something presented here based upon any negative emotional reaction and instead merely acknowledge your initial feelings and realize that they are nothing more than your response to new information but do not mean that the information is true nor false.
Lastly, this information is a tapestry. It is meant to be taken as a whole, in its entirety. If you skip around or if you do not finish the journey from start to finish, you will miss key patterns that can help you to understand a completely new paradigm. You will only waste your time if you do not.