Season 1 Podcasts
Season one focuses on the postulant phase of the Initiates Journey. In this season one learns important aspects of life such as the process of how to think instead of what to think, the importance of true care, learning to live in the present moment and more steps that people of the mystery school traditions were taught before they were admitted into their respective orders. Everything that is needed in order to truly take control of ones life and begin one’s journey on becoming a Master of Destiny!
Season 2 Podcasts
Season two we begin our deep dive into the Arthurian tradition. We discover how to apply most of the principles spoken about in season one into real practical format. Arthurian, mythos, legend, and romance appears to be a container for the entirety of the Western mystery school tradition. Threads that need to be looked at more in depth are the Abrahamic traditions, Nordic, Celtic, Egyptian, Sumerian and other Indo-European strains of influence. There are also references to Tarot, Heremeticism, Alchemy, the science of and much more. Join me on this Grail quest and reap the benefits that all that adhere to the Grail’s call are bestowed up the honest and sincere seeker.