
An individual’s teachability, AKA their ability to learn through being taught by someone else, is extremely dependent upon the open-mindedness or closed-mindedness of the individual being taught. Low teachability derives from arrogance and rigid skepticism, but also from naivete and gullibility. High teachability derives from a balance between healthy skepticism and an open-minded willingness to learn to and change.
In other words, we do not want people who are so closed minded that they are unwilling to learn. Likewise, we also do not want gullible and naïve people who will believe anything that they are told. Ideally, a balance between these two modes will be struck.
This means that you can hold a proposition in your mind without accepting it or outright denying it. It means that you will consider the information with an open mind, somewhat trustingly and somewhat skeptically.
This is the mental state that you should try to keep throughout the entire duration of this book in order to have you be in the best position to learn.
Human beings should consider with great care where their information comes from. By refusing to present certain information, and by influencing people to dismiss certain information as unimportant or unnecessary to consider, many modern institutions seek to control human perceptions and therefore to limit what human beings may come to understand.
This, in turn, is to prevent people from making any genuine change in the world and to maintain the status quo that has been. It is a form of mind control.
With this in mind, I urge everyone who is reading this not to believe me. The very worst thing you can do is for you to believe me. You need to look into this for yourself and most of all; you need to do personal introspection to really feel inside of yourself if this information really resonates with truth.
Everyone has that intuitive capacity and it also needs to be turned on and engaged in order for a full understanding of the message that I am presenting here to be properly understood.
Anyone who is coming from a paradigm of modern institutionalized bodies, meaning political thought, political agendas, political organizations, religion, religious thought, religious agendas, religious organizations, what I refer to as scientism (fake or bad science that has little to no bearing on reality and is funded by governments or corporate entities) and of course the new age movement which was created as a trap for people who were spiritual but not religious. It is another religion for those who were leaving the old traditions behind.
What I will present here will not concur with any of these belief systems, for any of these boxes, for consciousness. This presentation is going to shatter these boxes. It stands outside of all of these because the aforementioned are limiters for perception and thought. They want to place everything in a box and say that nothing outside of this box is fit for human consumption, so do not go there. And as a result, they act as a mind control influence.
And finally, the biggest limiter of the mind and perceptions and ultimately of human behavior is money itself. This is the one that is the biggest influence and ultimate power in the world. It has become the de facto god of this world, if you will.
If you are already in the mindset that comes from a place of one these boxes, one of these limiters of perception, then this book may prove extremely challenging for you. The information that is contained within falls well outside of anything that these boxes of control have to offer.